Aging And Our Joints}

Aging and Our Joints


Glenn Antoine

Have you ever experienced the early morning stiffness in the ankles or knees that makes getting up and walking not so much fun? What about going up stairs and the knees just dont really feel quite up to the task? Have you reached for something that is above your head or just a little higher so that you have to reach more than the norm and the shoulder just didnt want to?

If you use to enjoy walking, but your joints just didnt want to cooperate take heart. There is a new product on the market that is getting all kinds of praise and that product is RegeniCare. Touted as the Ultimate Joint Care Formula RegeniCare backs up that claim with state of the art science, enough testimonials to fill a book and double blind placebo controlled human clinical trials where they beat out the leading COX2 inhibitors that were available at the time. Interested?

Now you have a choice and the best choice is RegeniCare. There are a lot of joint care products on the market, many of which contain glucosamine, chondroitin, and numerous other elements that have been found to help with the maintenance and repair of your joints. The real difference here is the quality of the nutrients provided, the quantity of those nutrients and in what combinations, how those nutrients are delivered and how fast will they work once in your body. Basically if research has proven that you need 1500 milligrams of glucosamine you better make sure that you are getting 1500 milligrams and be able to absorb the glucosamine provided. What good do you think it would do if I provided you with a tablet with 1500 milligrams of glucosamine, but the tablet was packed so tight that it was through your digestive system before your body could break it down? Right none at all. In this scenario you might as well be taking your money and burning it because you are getting no benefit from the products you are taking.

All of these issues and more have been addressed in the design and production of RegeniCare. First and most obvious is that RegeniCare is provided in packets that are typically mixed in water. My preference is to mix my RegeniCare in a coffee cup full of lukewarm water as it seems to mix better for me and it tastes great. Univera LifeSciences has again made use of their full scale genomics to search thousands of plants extracts for the right combination of plant extracts to reduce the inflammation typically associated with joint pain. What they found is that your body can have all of the right nutrients, but if they can not get to the problem area due to inflammation the repair process never gets started. As such they added their patented ingredient Protectin to address this issue thereby letting the other nutrients do the job they were meant to do. And, RegeniCare was proven to provide faster and more complete results than other natural products on the market.


Another important aspect of RegeniCare is that it provides all of the required nutrients for complete repair and regeneration of the connective tissues in your body: Glucosamine sulfate, MSM, Chondroitin sulfate, CMO, Protectin, Vitamin C, and Maxcell

While we have addressed the Protectin contained in RegeniCare many of you may be asking your self about Maxcell. Maxcell is a patented product of Univera LifeSciences that improves the bioavailability of the nutrients contained in RegeniCare. In short Maxcell helps to get the nutrients into the blood stream, so they can go to work in the body, more specifically helping you rebuild the connective tissues of your joints.

While both Glucosamine and Chondroitin are naturally occurring in our bodies we begin to produce less and less of these vital nutrients as we begin to age. These nutrients are known as proteoglycans and help to strengthen and hydrate the tendons in our bodies. As we begin to age we have less and less in our system therefore the connective tissues in our bodies begin to dehydrate. Needless to say has these connective tissues begin to dehydrate movement becomes more painful, we are more susceptible to injury and we dont heal as quickly as we might have at one time. With new research proving daily that exercise is one of the keys to a life filled with vital energy, quicker recovery times from surgery or illness wouldnt it make sense to do whatever you can to keep moving.

MSM is another critically important nutrient found in healthy joint tissue and as luck would have it most people are not getting this important sulfur compound from their diets. Again, in our battle against Mother Nature, MSM begins to decrease as we age. As such it was important that RegeniCare provide the proper amount of MSM as part of this joint care product.

CMO was proven to improve range of motion in knees during a 2002 Clinical study that was published in the Journal of Rheumatology, just to mention one study. Even with it being a known as an aide to the improvement of joint range of motion, this is not a nutrient you will find in a lot of other joint care products.

While research has proven that exercise will help stimulate the body to produce new collagen and higher levels of the repair and rebuild proteoglycans we are still battling the age factor and RegeniCare is now available to help us win that battle. If you are planning to stay active and enjoy life, verses watching it go by, RegeniCare is a must have in your quest for healthy living. For most of us a single packet daily would be sufficient to help maintain our connective tissues at an optimal level of repair and rebuild. If you are suffering from some kind of an injury, have had a long battle with some connective tissue, or just arent seeing the results you expected there is nothing wrong with taking a packet of RegeniCare first thing in the morning and then again at night before bed. If possible it is best to take it on an empty stomach so that the RegeniCare is not competing with other nutrients for absorption, but the import part is to just get it into your system. Additionally for some nagging problems I have known a number of people that were taking the product for 6 to 8 weeks before noticing a significant difference. At the other end of the scale there are those that have experienced relief in a matter of hours, but the important thing to remember is that each of our bodies is unique and as such our results will vary. The one thing that you can, and should, count on is that this is the product to get you the relief that you have been looking for. Weather it is your knees, your back, your neck, your shoulder or any other area of your body that requires the functioning of connective tissue, RegeniCare can help. This is one product that I would put in the category of food and water. Basically I plan to stay active well into my aging years and RegeniCare will help me to ensure that I do so.

If you are Personal Trainer, Yoga Instructor, Massage Therapist, Physical or Occupational Therapist or a Chiropractor working with clients on range of motion and/or the rehabilitation of any joints you would be doing to your clients a huge disservice if you dont take the time to check this product out. And if you dont like the results the product is backed by a 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee.

Glenn Antoine has spent 25+ years researching and learning about nutrition, supplementation and physical fitness in an attempt to not only improve his quality of life, but the lives of all those that he comes in contact with. Please visit

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Aging and Our Joints}