Popularity Of Rhinoplasty In The Philippines

Popularity of Rhinoplasty in the Philippines


Nancy David

Rhinoplasty is considered as one of the most popular

cosmetic surgery Philippines

.The reason why is because of the procedure s capability to provide Filipinos a way to further improve their facial appearance; this is by improving the aesthetic form of their noses.

Rhinoplasty in the Philippines

Rhinoplasty was introduced in the Philippines by westerners as a form of reconstructive surgery. The procedure is aimed to correct the aesthetic form of the nose by resolving different nasal trauma, congenital defects, and respiratory impediments.


However, due to its capability to enhance the aesthetic form of the nose, rhinoplasty was then used for cosmetic purposes. Eventually, rhinoplasty became even more popular as a cosmetic surgery rather than a form of plastic or reconstructive surgery, and was introduced around the world, including in many Asian countries such as in the Philippines as a popular cosmetic surgery.

According to experts, the reason why rhinoplasty became popular in the Philippines, as well as in many Asian countries, is because most Filipinos are known for their flatter and wider noses which are unlike that of the aesthetic form of western noses. And because of this,

rhinoplasty Philippines

is different compared to rhinoplasty in the west in terms of procedures.

Difference in Procedure

Most rhinoplasty procedures in the Philippines and in many Asian countries involve making the nose narrower with elevated nose-bridge, which is usually a rare procedure in many western countries.

But other than the form of the nose, another difference in rhinoplasty procedures is that most Asian rhinoplasty involves the use of implants, particularly in the Philippines in which Gore-Tex is considered as one of the most popular implant used for rhinoplasty.

Gore-Tex is a popular material mostly used for rainwear. This is due to its natural water-resistant make-up that made it popular as common material for making rainwear. However, other than just for rainwear, Gore-Tex is also used as a popular medical prosthesis, such as for replacing torn anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament.

In addition to that, Gore-Tex is now also used as a popular implant for rhinoplasty, particularly in the Philippines in which many medical groups had highly suggested the use of Gore-Tex in rhinoplasty.

Other than rhinoplasty, silicone, Med-Por, as well as the use of autologous skin-graph can also be used as implants used for elevated the nose bridge. For more information you may visit to our site at http://www.yourcosmeticclinic.com/

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