Anti Aging Food: Cooking For Longevity

Anti Aging Food: Cooking for Longevity


Jim Terroirier

It is a widely held idea (particularly in Asian countries) that noodles symbolize long life. Thus, noodle dishes are often served at special occasions as a sort of generalize well wishing to all the participants. It is probably going too far to assume that these people believe that eating long noodles will actually make you live longer. However, research into longevity supports the idea that what you eat has a significant impact on how long you live. It is possible to adjust your cooking and eating habits in order to not only live longer, but remain healthy as you get older.

Longevity researchers have named certain parts of the world “blue zones.” These are areas where people not only tend to live a long time (centenarians often come from these areas) but are still active and mentally lucid at an age when their contemporaries elsewhere can no longer take care of themselves. It has been noted that people in these zones tend to have significantly different diets as compared to people in surrounding areas. For instance, one of the blue zones is Loma Linda, California, which contains a large community of Seventh-Day Adventists. Far from adhering to the “usual” American diet, which is rich in fast food and “instant” meals, this particular religious community sticks to a diet plan based on the food described in the Bible.


Of course, not every blue zone has the same common or traditional diet. For instance, Okinawans eat a great deal of fish, while the inhabitants of mountainous Icaria, Greece, eat very little seafood. People in Sardinia, Italy, are not likely to stint on their food intake, while in (again) Okinawa, it is more traditional to eat only until one is mostly (but not completely) full.

However, there are some characteristics that appear to be common across the board. To begin with, meat does not tend to feature heavily in the cuisine of such places. Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains tend to make up the bulk of the diet. Cooking often utilizes vegetable oils, such as olive oil. Sugar and fat are kept to a minimum. If we go beyond the “blue zone” diets-which may be hard to procure for people living elsewhere, we can still implement the same general guidelines, even if we do not use the exact same ingredients.

Still, it must be understood that diet alone will not be enough to let your health reach its full potential. A relatively active lifestyle is also important. No, this does not mean that you suddenly have to turn into a gym rat or sports buff. Rather, small changes implemented regularly can make a big difference. For instance, you should try walking short distances, instead of driving or taking rides everywhere. Walking or jogging for fun can also be very relaxing, and the resulting drop in your stress level is another factor that can lead to long life.

If you do what you can to eat healthier, you can live a longer, better life, no matter where you live or what your budget happens to be.

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