Coffee: Helps You In Preventing Gout

Submitted by: Mariah Clarkescott

Adults are more likely to drink coffee than children. If you are one of them, you are more likely to be cured from gouts if you acquire this serious condition. This has been a recent study in the US regarding consumption of coffee in curing gouts. If you are fond of drinking coffee, you have lower risks of having gouts. However, this is an ongoing study so nothing is definitive yet.

For women, those who have been drinking coffee every day in their lives have fifty percent less risk of having gouts. The daily consumption of coffee of these women is 2 to 3 cups a day. In addition, coffee must not be decaffeinated. Studies have shown that those who consume coffee are saved from getting gouts by 8%. If coffee drinkers consume 4 cups daily in their lives, the chances of not having gouts reaches up to 40%. Drinking more cups of coffee a day at a regular basis will give you higher chances of not having gouts. For example six cups every day will save you from having gouts by 60%. However the intake cannot be very high also as excess of coffee is also not recommended.

For those who are working overtime, decaffeinated coffee is a regular drink for them. Studies have shown that those who drink decaffeinated coffee regularly have higher chances of not having gouts than those who drink caffeinated ones. Drinking 1 to 3 cups of caffeinated coffee gives you 8% relief from having gouts, those who drink decaffeinated coffee are saved by 33%. Why is that so? As explained previously, this is still an ongoing study and results may vary.


You might ask that what does a coffee have that cures one of gouts. The answer is simple. Coffee is full of anti-oxidants; one of the anti-oxidants it contains is the phenol chlorogenic acid that helps in curing gouts effectively.

However, what if you already have gouts? Will coffee still save you? This issue is still not cleared. However, drinking espresso coffee can help. Why is espresso advised? Espresso coffee contains niacin. Gout is one of the most painful types of arthritis.In other studies, it is said that niacin drives out uric acid from the body. If you want to be cured of gout, you need to drink six cups of espresso coffee every day. If you want to speed up your recovery from gouts, multivitamins will help. Multivitamins have niacin, too.

However, those who are examined for this study are only men. Women were not able to take part in the experiment. In 1976, women who are regularly drinking coffee for two years were taken into examination. The experiment results showed that coffee does have a big contribution in lowering the risks of acquiring gouts. Dr. Choi, the head of the experiment, and his team concluded afterwards that people who consume more coffee definitely have lower risks for gouts. But to remind everyone, coffee is just a preventive measure. It is not meant to cure gouts.

About the Author: Readers can also go to our website and find beneficial information about Natural Remedies For Gout Pain

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