Learn The Rules That Timeshare Sales Representatives Must Follow!

Submitted by: SEO Daddy-O

Over the past few years, a great deal of timeshare corporations have created a name for themselves with incredible growth. However, this growth was found be partly because of forceful and aggressive sales tactics. Several Americans who have been sold timeshares under false pretenses in the past have come into a situation where they are dealing with a financial hardship. After attempting to sell their timeshares for relief from their mortgage and maintenance expenses, these consumers notice how large of a loss their timeshares are. Quite a few of these people are now asking the question, Can I give my timeshare back? . The answer is YES! However, for people to be able to give their timeshares back to the developers, they have to have a reason.

I know what the vast majority of Americans will think when they read that last statement, I have a reason, I’m in financial hardship! . Sadly, financial hardship is not a reason in the eyes of the timeshare developers. The reasons consumers have to give timeshares back all revolve around 52 rules that regulate the timeshare sales indusattempt. Although, I don’t have enough space in this article to cover all 52 rules, I will give information on the 3 most common broken rules.

Rule #1: Long Tours: Due to the overwhelming amount of consumers who are unhappy with their timeshares, there have been a great deal of studies done to look into the timeshare sales process and see what procedures are leaving customers unhappy. One of the first things that was found was that when consumers looked at a timeshare property longer than 90 minutes, these consumers felt more of a sense of urgency to purchase the timeshare without rational thought than Americans who only were in tours for 90 minutes or less. Therefore, it is unlawful for a timeshare representative to sell a timeshare to a consumer that was in a tour for longer than 90 minutes the same day.


Rule #2: Urgency: One of the the majority of aggressive and forceful sales tactics used by timeshare sales representatives these days is providing a false sense of urgency. Studies show that Americans don’t like to lose out on products or miss an opportunity. Therefore, many timeshare sales representatives use statements like This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. or If you don’t buy today you may never get this offer again. . These statements create a fear of loss in the minds of people giving them a false sense of urgency to purchase a timeshare that they would not have normally purchased. These types of forceful and aggressive sales tactics are not tolerated by law!

Rule #3: Investment: The word investment is a word that comes with a great deal of liability after it’s use. Quite a few timeshare sales representatives use deceptive sales tactics such as stating that timeshares are great investments to land a sale . However, when consumers look into timeshares, they tend to find that they are toxic investments yielding no return in most cases. Since the vast majority of timeshare sales representatives are not licensed financial advisors, they are in no way allowed to use the word investment or imply that a timeshare is a good investment during the sale of that particular timeshare.

If you are one of the many Americans who feel like they have been victimized by timeshare developers, your best option may be timeshare cancellation. Timeshare cancellation is the process of deeding a timeshare back to the developer based on discrepancies in the sales process and contracts for timeshares. This is however, something that I would suggest getting a bit of professional help with.

About the Author: This article was written by Joshua Rodriguez and is brought to you by




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