Unique Uses For Tile

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By Patricia Taylor

Traditionally, tile has been used in bathrooms and kitchens. Different tiles are used for backsplashes, counters, tub enclosures and floors. However, tile is now coming into its own. Home decorators are learning how to use tile to create a finished look on everything from ceilings to tables.

The basic belief is, ‘if there is a seam, tile can cover it.’

Ceiling tiles often have an unfinished or rough look. While many homeowners are using tiles to fix ceilings in basements and old homes, they never look finished and neat. The metal seams, or the broken gaps that appear between the tiles.

Home decorators can use both vinyl back plastic faux tile or they can use kitchen tile to cover the seams. A concaved strip tile, normally made for edging, will give the seams a polished look.

Coarse terracotta style tile is great for adding texture and color to dark areas and recesses. Broken tile has been used to decorate old lamps, plant pots, frames, mirrors, and tables. Now, decorators are using broken chunks of tile to create mosaics on walls, to cover old window wells, and on doors.


Tile can be used anywhere that has traditionally been covered in wood trim. It takes a brave decorator to use tile with a bold creativity. Traditionally, glazed tile has been used on walls, stone on the floor. Now, a stone trim at the bottom of an entrance increase durability and adds an artistic flair.

Bull nose and half bull nose trim is perfect for trimming utility rooms and garage entrances. They increase durability and reduces cleaning time.

Counter tile and trim is as versatile as floor tile. It moves from walls to trim with ease. Marble and stone has the advantage of coming in a variety of colors and textures. It is more expensive, but a decorator may be able to buy scraps from contractors.

Tile excels on the patio. Its versatility and ease allow decorators to create curves and mold the patio around the natural landscape. Stepping the tile can also direct rain and water run off, protecting the landscape.

A good base is necessary for tile. However, careful planning allows decorators to lay a patio around trees and gardens. Today’s tile can be laid over virtually any surface. Tile can be safely installed over linoleum, concrete, and wood.

Another adventure home decorators have embarked on is 3-D tile. The tile manufacturers have been exploring with embossed tile for several years. Now, home decorators are working to pile tile on tile.

Layering tile on tile can be an easy way to add an artistic flair to a normally dead wall space.

The last venue for artistic people in the kitchen is homemade tiles. Many people make their own tiles to explore depth of perception, shape, and color. While homemade tiles are very easy to make, they are incredibly time consuming.

Creating tile takes patience, depending on the medium, material, used, the tile makers may need the help of a potter to prevent distortion or fragile tiles.

The beauty of tiles allow home decorators to add a unique flair to their home without making drastic changes to the interior.

About the Author: Patricia Taylor advises on home furnishings and decor from her web site at


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