When Shouldn’t You Use Pepper Spray

By Richard Armen

Many people become worried when they are in a new city, a dark place, or an urban metropolis. To help make themselves feel safer, they buy pepper spray. This self defense device can be a great deterrent if you are ever attacked. In fact, it may even safe your life, protecting you or a loved one from an assailant.

However, there is a dark side to pepper spray. Sometimes people will use it incorrectly or in the wrong places. Using this self defense product in the wrong way may be very dangerous and can cause major problems. Before choosing to purchase pepper spray, and long before you use it, take the time to learn when it might be appropriate to use pepper spray – and when it might not be a good choice.

Pepper spray should only be used to defend yourself, a person or animal, or your property. The intention of pepper spray is to be able to take down a human attacker – even a full grown adult male – for several minutes. It should never be used to discipline a child. High-strength pepper spray has unknown effects on a child. Even if the physical effect is only temporary, the psychological effects can be permanent and be more painful then the pepper spray’s immediate effects. Although it might seem like common sense not to use the spray as a discipline tool, in fact there are cases every year of pepper spray being used to discipline a child. This cruel, dangerous practice is illegal.


Another common misuse of pepper spray is to discipline a dog. Although pepper spray – and similar sprays, such as bear spray – can be used on dogs that are attacking, it should not be used as a discipline method. The effects of pepper spray on dogs or cats has not been studied, and you could cause permanent physical harm, or even kill your pet. Using pepper spray on an animal can also be a criminal offense. If you are caught using pepper spray on an animal you will likely be charged with cruelty to animals. Stick to tried and true methods meant specifically for pet discipline.

Pepper spray should never be used on a human who presents no physical danger to you. This might seem obvious, but every year there are cases of people using pepper spray as a joke or ‘for fun.’ Kids may find pepper spray and use it on each other, or accidentally use it on themselves. Even adults have been known to play around with pepper spray, but it’s important to remember that this self defense device is not a toy. Keep your pepper spray away from children and anyone else who might think it is fun to play with the device.

Always remember that while pepper spray is a great tool to protect yourself from a real physical threat, it should not be used in all situations. This device is meant for adults or animals who are physically attacking – not for discipline purposes or for fun.

About the Author: Resist Attack has a full range of


devices to keep you and your family safe. Resist Attack has a full range of


devices to keep you and your family safe.



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