By Jonathan Higgins
Aside from being a bundle of joy, an infant boy or girl is also a huge responsibility that takes up almost every waking hour of the parents. Often, the moments when the baby is sleeping is the only moment of rest that a new parent gets. However, something that may cause you even more distress is infant snoring.
Some infant snoring can be so loud that the parents can here it from another room. Now, it is quite normal for parents to worry about every little strange thing that their baby does. This is natural since parents are worried about their baby’s help and want to make sure that if there truly is a problem that the baby gets immediate and proper attention. It’s likely that infant snoring, especially if it is very loud will make the parents very concerned.
There are several reasons that can cause infant snoring. First, the baby may inherit it from their parents. Snoring is caused by air rushing through airways in the nose and throat that are too narrow. The sound is created by the vibration in the small opening. In some cases, either or both parent will have genetically small throats or nasal passages that they pass on to the baby. The result is infant snoring.
Another cause of infant snoring is small throat and nasal airways caused by allergies. In fact, if your baby does snore, you would want to visit a doctor to check your baby for allergies. Your doctor can run some tests to see if your baby is developing allergies.
Now, I’m always surprised when I hear mothers resist to what I am about to say. Regardless, you need to listen closely as this could be related to infant snoring. You must breastfeed your baby, full stop! The healthy bacteria that your little baby’s intestines need in large quantities come from breast milk. These good bacteria are your baby’s immune system. That’s why babies who are not breastfed get sick more than those who don’t. There is absolutely no excuse not to breastfeed a baby, unless of course you can’t produce milk. Otherwise, no other excuse will do. If you drink, smoke, do drugs or are on antidepressants or other drugs, then don’t do these for at least the first six weeks of your child’s life so they can get a fair start. You’ve already been off this stuff for nine months, right?
If infant snoring is the result of the baby getting sick, then breastfeeding may solve the problem. Again, infant snoring is not something to be terribly worried about, but it is something you want to share with your doctor in case there are more serious problems accompanying it.
About the Author: Jonathan Higgins writes on various health topics for several web sites. He writes on snoring issues for
Treat Snoring
. Jonathan likes to explore natural and safe remedies first before considering surgery or other potentially harmful solutions.
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