Health Care Provider Id Badge

Health care provider ID badge


Phyllis C. Miles

Make Medical ID cards

In an attempt to minimize patient mix up over the levels of education of heath care providers, Pennsylvania will be insisting all medical practitioners and staff who provide direct patient care to wear photo identification badges.

The statute will be rolled out in two phases : 1.) medical practitioners and their employees in private medical practices and commanded to wear these badges as of December 10, 2011. 2.) Employees in hospital settings will be expected to do so starting in June 2015.

According to the regulations, all badges must contain :.

A pic taken within the last 4 years ;.


An employees full name ;.

The title in which the employee is licensed or certified by ;.

The name of the health care facility or employment agency.

It is most severe that in temporary regulations, the Pennsylvania Department of Health has neglected entirely to explain or enforce the basic reason for this law and failed to show how the law is intended to solve a problem that all of us, as physicians and patients, encounter every day with increasing frequency. Further, the DOH has failed to even mention, discuss, demonstrate, or require the most critical part of the badge, which the law requires. The law itself postulates them to do so when they exclaim the final regulations.

The badge is intended principally to identify the CREDENTIAL of the health care provider in a interchangeable, predictable location on every badge, in a consistent type size, in order that all patient can tell instantly whether they are being treated by a DOC, NURSE, NURSE PRACTITONER, PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT, PHYSICAL THERAPIST, TOOTH DOCTOR, DENTAL ASSISTANT, ETC. xEOL.


When we are sick, we are privileged to have access to the finest amounts on the planet. There are many who function as caregivers, including physicians, nurses, physician assistants, physical therapists, caseworker. The days are past when the only caregiver was a nearby doctor.

Nowadays, each of these individuals serve as primary caregivers in individual settings, including private offices, hospitals, emergency rooms, and pharmacy clinics.

Many hospital identification badges have an institutional logo and pic taking up many of the badge with the name of the caregiver and their license credential too small to read. There is no consistent design allowing a patient to read or search a badge for their credentials without physically grabbing hold of the badge.

Patients often have no idea what the credentialing designations means. What does MD, CRNP, RN, LPN, ] mean to us? Something official sounding, but what?.

There are laws and regulations in Pennsylvania promulgated by the various licensure boards whereby nurses and physician assistants must identify their credentials when caring for patients. This is not the case for physicians. Patients often infer that when no badge appears the person in the white coat or scrub suit is a physician, when most often they are NOT.

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ID badges

and Nurse

Name tags

Steve Mascola

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